Silent Hill: Orphan


Games Like Silent Hill: Orphan for Nintendo 3DS

#1 Myst


Myst is a graphic adventure puzzle video game published by Cyan Worlds. It takes the players to the gameplay containing colorful scenery and puzzle elements. The game allows the player to be a stranger who uses a magical and special book to travel to the island, where he solves enigmas and travels to loads of other worlds known as “The Ages.” The player travels to the new worlds, searching for clues that help him proceed to the advanced levels.

As the game progresses, the player finds out about the backstory of all the characters in the game. It offers multiple endings of the game all based upon the actions that the player character performs. The game offers an adult-centered and entirely non-linear story, realistic characters and appearances, twisted gameplay with an ethical dilemma. It gives you the First-person perspective, beautiful visuals, plenty of room for both the character and gameplay, great stories, and exploration.